搜索 Stack

  • What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and with a short window of time, officials need to find out where this broadcast is taking place? With all of technology taken…
  • 金哈克曼饰杰森罗德上校,一心清查其在越南沙场上掉落的儿子,他数度向美国当局陈情始终杳无音信,罗德尽看之余只好采用自力动作罗德的苦处获取德州油亨的资助,召集其子在陆战队退役时五位军中密友,经由数周艰辛的练习今后,七人毅然前往寮国展开一场惊险的救援动作。