搜索 Simran

  • 一位进修成就杰出但性情懦弱的菜鸟差人,为了成功实现他的第一个任务--与一位布满敌意、性情孤介的资深差人联手抓捕一位逃出法网的连环杀手,他必需勇敢起来,降服惧怕。@游目骋观影
  • 年轻估客库玛·希夫拉姆·克什鬼使神差被成婚三次(死前遗命、损友出卖、黑帮强逼),娶了三个妻子。为了不穿帮,他把三个不知情的妻子弄到了一栋楼房的四层、六层和八层,把名字拆成了希夫、拉姆和克什来对付她们。更不要命的是,他还有个最爱的女友(女友叫他库玛,幸亏名字够长),不娶此女则心有不甘。正在他按计划周旋之际,已经仳离多年的…
  • The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf children as capable and equal and discouraged them all through the course gets badly injured in an accident. This might be a…