搜索 Sears

  • 在乡下安好的小镇里,人们辛劳垦植,享用安好而宁静的每一天。此日是秋分今后的满月,镇上的人们举办了篝火晚会,预备狂欢一整夜。日落时分,年轻人逐步群集在此,Hank是Abe的兄弟,他横冲直撞,带着本人火辣的女友来到这里,Abe带着同伙Carter也随后出现,Hank和Abe跟着岁数的增长互相变得不信任彼此,恰是这个夜晚,他们之间的关系爆发了,当…
  • While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once i…