搜索 Salah

  • 在奥斯陆的一间小公寓里,阿玛莉和她的男朋友米凯尔胡想着能在街舞的国际舞台上有所冲破。当两人地点的“犯禁舞团”被选中加进巴黎著名的舞蹈角逐时,机遇毕竟来了。然而在巴黎,生存却不遂人愿。团员们意想到必需改变舞蹈动作,不然就会与此次机遇掉之交臂。与此同时,阿玛莉因寻觅她关系疏远的母亲而心乱如麻,她的母亲居住在巴黎,并经营一家…
  • 进围第71届柏林影戏节全景单位。当身无分文的年轻作家拉比迪碰到伊利莎时,他知道她就是他的真命天子。可是巴黎物价很贵。这是一部诱人的影戏,结合了法国新浪潮影戏的经典主题,以及关于根源、熟习和距离的问题。
  • A very famous and successful Santoor ( Iranian traditional instrument ) player falls in the trap of drugs and loses everything in his life gradually ! even his wife who was in love with him .he struggles to give up smoking and finds his way to a medical institute and manages to give up smoking .
  • Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a dangerous supernatural presence.
  • Amalie's dance crew advances to the global finals in France. Torn between the love of Mikael, the longing for her absent mother, and her fire for dance, Amalie must choose. Who is she to become?
  • 故事产生在中古世纪,阿祖尔是个金发碧眼的欧洲贵族,与父亲生存在奢华的宫殿中。与他合营生存的,还有奶妈和她的儿子——黑发、褐色皮肤的阿斯马尔。奶妈悉心赐顾帮衬两个男孩,并且给他们报告仙灵女的童话故事。可是跟着阿祖尔慢慢长大,他父亲把他送到外面接收更专业的教导,并且解雇了奶妈,把她和阿斯马尔赶出了宫殿。  成年后的阿祖尔回…