搜索 Paolo

  • The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. Neglected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a malevolent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a c…
  • 立时步进芳华期的虫虫朱尼尔(Junior)在全力让同龄人接纳本人,但因被虫妈妈过度宠嬖而时常被同龄人欺负。一天,在全力奉迎同伙们时,朱尼尔不测地被铲车带到了空中,由此开端了一场重大的冒险之旅——不单是为了成为英豪,并且是为了整个虫虫社会。为了回家和抢救虫族,朱尼尔必需起首学会拥有自尊、信任和交友真正同伙的才能。
  • <p><span class="" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; border: n>故事产生在布满了人文气味的古城罗马,马乌罗(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)和马尔达(阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimee 饰)是一对相依为命的兄…
  • 乔万娜低调通俗,天天周旋于当局部分的会计事情、女儿的黉舍活动。在无趣的外表下,其实是一位履行各类国际危险任务的特务。某天高中同学聚会,发明所有同学都跟她一样,天天都有鸟事跟懊末路。这让她下定决心,接下来的任务要援助身旁所爱的人。透过夸张的伪装、履历爆笑的情况,她要扭转人生,为同伙带来公理!
  • In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real-life fairy tale that celebrates human …
  • Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is …
  • 保罗·马基亚里尼医生以其冲破性的干细胞融进气管移植而著名于世,但有一个问题:他的病人接连死亡。
  • 弗莱迪带着妃耦往海地旅游,他的密友威廉斯医生在海地事情,威廉斯的助手道格拉斯离奇死亡,另一助手Crotz也溘然掉落,这一切似乎跟威廉斯的研究功效有关,威廉斯提炼出一种致幻剂可以增长男性荷尔蒙的物质,孔雀师长和臀部师长等为了拿到威廉斯的研究功效软硬兼施,接下来 ,孔雀师长和臀部师长等人又离奇被杀,案件愈发零乱起来
  • 孝明年间,山河动荡,武林阴郁。隐姓埋名的侯府令郎左卿辞,以江湖游医身份,在两月之期内,寻觅一卷遗掉的山河图,由此结识了易收留响马飞寇儿。飞寇儿布景神秘,为给师父苏璇盗药不慎暴光身份,竟是正阳孽徒——苏云落。  正阳掌门金虚真人呼吁武林,抓捕苏云落。左卿辞为救苏云落,不吝身陷江湖风波。此时危急频发,侯府满门遭到权臣威宁侯…
  • Years after an alien invasion almost extinguished human mankind, refugee on a secret base on the Moon, three heroes decide to jump into a time travel in the desperate attempt to save the survivors but they don't know that the Sentinel is waiting for them.