搜索 Nimmy

  • 提特里(沙善·阿罗拉饰)生存在德里穷户窟,家里排行第三,他与大哥(兰维尔·肖里饰),二哥(阿米特·希尔饰)合营规画一样不太合法的家族生意——劫车。只是,赋性神驰“不羁纵收留爱自由”的老幺,已承受够了两位兄长的桀骛专制,处处左右,以及硬塞给他的婚配,绑缚他的人生。躁动的心只想逃离,可是,逃离今后就能收成自由了吗?
  • Explore the Andes mountains' extremes and celebrate the animals that call it home on a 4,000-mile journey along the western edge of South America, from icy Southern Patagonia to the oxygen-deprived Altiplano plateau to the northern tropical Andes
  • ITV迷你剧#Butterfly##蝴蝶#发布正式预告,这部剧报告11岁的小男孩麦克斯认定本人其实是一个女孩,他想以女孩的身份生存。这给他已经仳离的怙恃带来了重大的困扰,在若何措置这件事情上,他们存在侧重大的不合。怙恃对孩子的爱可否克服一切阻碍?
  • Explore the Andes mountains' extremes and celebrate the animals that call it home on a 4,000-mile journey along the western edge of South America, from icy Southern Patagonia to the oxygen-deprived Altiplano plateau to the northern tropical Andes