搜索 Lieving

  • 《噬人鲨大战食人鳄》是于2010年12月21日在美国行将上映的多难害片。是2009年影片《噬人鲨大战大乌贼》的系列。但原班人马一个影都找不到。希罕的是从告白海报上底子看不到任何线索,谁赢谁输了。上次噬人鲨与大乌贼的对决中幸存下来。此次产生在非洲丛林里的与食人鳄的对决能不可幸存下来呢》?前不久的《异形大战铁血兵士》也是这一招。只有看…
  • When the President learns that domestic terrorists have skyjacked the passenger jet her brother is flying...
  • On January 15, 2008 the truth will finally be told.  After a massive earthquake in Tokyo, two American filmmakers document their experience as they attempt to escape from the decimated city.  For the first time, this film will present the …