搜索 Langham

  • 处于孕晚期的莎拉忽然孑然一身。她关系疏远的姐姐琳达的到来成为了她意想不到的性命线。
  • Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist who has trouble holding a job or a girlfriend even while he rooms with two other eccentric roommates in an apartment in the Mission Hill area of the city of Cosmopolis. The fact that he has to house his obnoxiously precocious younger brother, Kevin, is no help. However, this quarte…
  • 汤姆森家一家四口,包孕家长汤姆、妃耦索菲和两个女儿杰丝、凯蒂。这一家人是个尺度的古怪家族。一天,他们约请目生人共进晚饭,后者却死在了餐桌上。他们成了杀人疑犯。六个月今后,熟习这一家人的蒂姆·塔纳卡在心理医生埃里克·塞克斯眼前流露了这一家人的奥秘,没想到后者却丝毫没有保守奥秘的职业道德。很快,汤姆森一家人在报纸上出了名并…