搜索 Kudryashov

  • 在一次拳击角逐中上,两队的拳击运带动竞争相配剧烈。当其中一方已经耗尽体力,不可再继续了的时辰,他队里的替补队员替代他继续实现角逐,这个替补选手就是斯巴达。对于尼库莱,他必需攥紧此次机遇,不可摒弃,不可随便纰漏言败,因为在三年前,他曾因为珍爱本人的女同伙而进过牢狱,但他女同伙却最终变节了他,离他而往;与此同时,他的教练也…
  • Lera is a sociology student at a small-town university. Her mother is a sleepwalker who believes in miracles, and her father just left the family for another woman. Lera has no idea how to make her life better. And one more thing: a spirit keeps visiting her dreams at night. And the harder Lera's life gets, the more of…