搜索 Kalyuzhnyy

  • 女子摇滚乐队“狂花”曾在国内红极一时,主唱彭莱遭受感情变故后远赴美国,留下6岁的女儿日间由前夫扶养,不意音乐事业在美国惨败,彭莱单独漂流崎岖潦倒。12年后前夫过世,19岁的日间单独面临发展的懊末路,彭莱决定回国。一个起义的少女,一个“猖狂”的中年女人,虽是母女关系,却更像目生人,磨擦不竭升级。但彭莱和日间都对摇滚胡想坚持不…
  • Ksyusha hardly remembers her father: he disappeared when she was still little. And now, 10 years later, his icy body is found in the mountains. Incredibly, he is showing signs of life, even though he is in a coma. In this state, he is brought home. Ksyusha's mother remarried a long time ago, and the return of the forme…