搜索 Jang

  • 욕망은 인간을 다른 존재로 만든다  타인의 죽음과 등가교환을 한 성공, 당신의 선택은  소설에 나오는 살인게임 모티브로 저명한 심리학 교수가 살해당한 사건이 생겼다.  하지만 한 젊은 작가 한준은 눈앞의 성공을 위해 살인범을 은폐시키고 만다  이로 인해 소설의 원작자인 한준은 모방 범죄로 인해 미디어와 여론에 휩쓸려 …
  • Heavenly Sword is a dramatic tale of revenge that sees Nariko (Anna Torv), a fiery red-haired heroine, embark on a quest for vengeance against the invading King Bohan (Alfred Molina) and his army. Once considered the failure of a legendary prophecy, Nariko must wield a sword that was ultimately meant for another. This …
  • 在一个布满着贪腐和饥荒的王国中,关于国王死亡的神秘传说风闻沸沸扬扬,同时一场希罕的瘟疫传布开来,传染者可获取不死之身并嗜食人肉。成为阴谋牺牲品的皇太子开端踏上揭露邪恶阴谋,抢救子平易近的征程。
  • 它描画了一个超出死亡的康乐恋爱故事。尹欧是一个鬼魂,因为他的怨恨而不可分开人类世界。然后他会和一小我有一个恋爱故事。  It depicts a joyful  love story from beyond death. Yoon Oh is a ghost who cannot leave the humans realm because of his grudge. He will then live …
  • 韩国tvN于2018年3月21日起播出的水木持续剧,由《Signal》金元锡导演执导与《又,吴海英》朴惠英作家合作打造。此剧以拥有不异沉重的生存肩负40岁汉子与20岁女人启程,报告他们互相窥察并治愈对方的故事。
  • 它通过Gap报告了一个关于BL粉丝的故事,一个历来没有任何经验的通俗男生和一个活泼在粉丝圈的女生。这个系列是关于音乐乐队的。  It tells a story about BL's fandom through Gap, an ordinary boy that never has any experience and the female lead who is an active member of the f…
  • 几个小故事报告不同小人物的生存。
  • 这是一部描写中国不法移平易近在纽约打工与生存的故事。剧中主角丁明,在影戏一开端尚未起床就遭到两名黑道份子闯进家中殴打他,并敕令他当天要交出偷渡 来美国的印子钱用度800美金,因此他开端了猖狂劳碌的一天。在餐厅打工的伙伴甚至于为了他牺牲本人的事情时数,只为了援助他能早日还清债权。整部片就在跟拍丁明一天事情进程下,展现了不法移…
  • 多金帅气的男主人公Long是一个不信任真爱的花花令郎。在他25岁生日时,他因为重大的打赌债权而被追击。危急时刻,他忽然想起来外婆的巨额遗产。然而想要继续这笔遗产必要一个前提,这就是:在25岁时实现成婚这件事。为了还清债权,Long开端走上了租赁新娘的路途。
  • A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller Members of the Funeral. Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's…