搜索 Figura

  • 明代嘉靖四十年,即1561年,倭寇在浙江沿海的千洞岛一带闹得凶恶,千洞岛地处出海要塞,是商船必经之地,从这里经由的商船时常被倭寇阻截,他们上船掠夺,碰到反抗格杀勿论。这个岛屿四面环海,易守难攻,明代军队几回攻打未果,倭寇却加倍猖狂……三石村净水观的明一道长带着他的学生合营戚继光积极抗倭,制定了歼击千洞岛倭寇的歼岛计划。不意…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, …
  • Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, at the invitation of Arab sheikhs, begins to recruit Polish misses, celebrities, screen stars and models. Howeve…
  • 一部深进的波兰社会嘲讽片中,报告一个按摩师成为华沙上流社会的大师的故事。独身的乌克兰移平易近泽尼亚在波兰做按摩师,专心在华沙上层社会上门办事。没过量久,这个有着有趣口音的神秘目生人就在平平无奇的封锁社区里备受追捧。听说他的眼睛可以直视灵魂,双手可以发挥魔法。而他的客户越多, 他就越像一个改变当地生存的大师一样备受尊敬。