搜索 Eyüboglu

  • Basak Abacigil 出品,初出茅庐的编剧奥兹古尔·奥努尔梅担当创剧人和导演。这部剧集报告了法蒂玛(35 岁)的故事,她是一位通俗的洁净女工,她刚出狱的丈夫扎菲尔掉落了,而她在寻觅丈夫时不测犯下了谋杀罪过。扎菲尔狡诈的地下同伙很快便发了然她的所作所为,要在这个汉子的世界里生计下来,她唯一的方式就是继续杀人。她每次都能逃脱责罚,因…
  • Dee, a non-binary freelance illustrator, is locked into a lease they can't afford. Dee's younger sister, Amy, enacts a plan to find the perfect roommate. Enter Rachel, a queer British bartender eager to fit in as a Canadian. Months later, things go from cool to not-so-cool when Rachel reveals a startling secret - she's…