搜索 Durant

  • This time, horror comes fron the other side
  • This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. And here she finds not only a great opportunity for her career, but also a new love with another girl, Anna. They two are very different one poor, the other one is rich, one of them writes music and sings, the other …
  • 这部影戏带有浓厚的新实际主义气概,根抵上与费里尼中前期的精力抖擞不一样,采取了纪实手段来说述一个恋爱故事,布局简略,多用长镜头。片中的内收留与战后意大利贫瘠的社会实际相吻合。本片也是费里尼初次与本人的妃耦玛西娜合作。乡下姑娘莉莉进进一家剧团,她的表演相配做功,不单在观众中大受欢迎,剧团团长契克也阴郁爱上了她。因为契克时…
  • 故事聚焦一个聋哑家庭中唯一有听觉的高中女孩鲁比,她天天都要援助怙恃和哥哥规画渔业生意,在进进高中独唱团后,鲁比对嘉赞的酷好感动了独唱团长,团长决定让鲁比在胡想和家族之间做一个选择。