搜索 Benavides

  • 雜貨店老闆愛上了不法移平易近的墨西哥少年,他帶少年回家住,和少年的同伙開車参观,然而,這群社會邊緣人卻終將面對悲劇的結局。葛斯范桑的處女作,斩新修復拷貝初次在台放映,全片以優雅诱人的黑白階調與夜間攝影实现。那一張張俊美的少男臉孔,那一條條沒有盡頭的草原公路,那一幕幕流雲湧動的天空,預示了葛斯范桑往後的電影標記。
  • Claudina is a traditional woman from the countryside. After the pass away of her husband, she gets into a lonely routine. Having a difficult economic situation, Claudina has to move with her dearest grandson Cristóbal, and her daughter Alejandra, knowing that both women have a distanced relationship. Living together, C…
  • 他的女同伙在野营参观中磨灭得无影无踪,他很快从目击者到嫌疑犯.。如今,一年后,她回到了她被带走的地方,但不像之前那样.。
  • Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join the prestigious St. Bonaventure hospital’s surgical unit. Alone in the world and unable to personally connect with those around him, his only advocate, Dr. Aaron Glassman (Richard Schiff), c…
  • 《女当家》以墨西哥亿万财主的势力世界为布景,报告了一个从龙舌兰酒生意起身的墨西哥商业帝国传奇,报告了家族多代之间代价高昂的恩仇纷争,以及其中一位家族成员决定与她的家族援助建立的肮脏体系抗争而激起的奋斗。