搜索 董小冬

  • In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippine waters and attack Japanese ships. The PT boat initially had little respect from senior Navy officers but their maneuverability and speed however quickly change their minds. As the Japanese advance across the Phi…
  • 承平天堂运动掉败20年后,天堂叛徒黄璋因出卖灵魂,串连清廷残杀天堂将领而被清廷录用为平南将军,在广西境内引发了极大平易近愤。铁索桥上,六合会二首级韦天成为杀黄璋误中清府总管覃谋的圈套,被清兵俘虏。知府大院内,黄璋正在观看瑶家姑娘舞蹈,一个领舞姑娘借舞蹈之机接近黄璋,欲杀黄璋未成。六合会两次谋杀使黄璋惊慌不安。他处死了韦天…