搜索 布雷特·克利莫

  • 本季开篇就让观众不由得料想:看起来只是阿什公馆的通俗早晨,成果却出人意料。这一季中,有哪些奥秘会被揭开,又有哪些奥秘将永远封存?  巴特:为了使詹姆斯的性向不为人所知,乔治给了巴特一笔封口费。贪婪的巴特想继续勒索,却在几天后被人发明死在河滨。  莎拉:第一季中,有着神秘身世的故事莎拉·亚当斯在游轮上救下了欲自杀的詹姆斯…
  • Sarah's dilemma, between her feelings for George and her duty to her husband Rene, is exacerbated by a heartbreaking secret. James and Olivia's relationship is under pressure when the true parentage of baby George is threatened with exposure. Elizabeth Bligh's decision to leave Ash Park to explore a life of her own pro…