搜索 华特·迪士尼

  • 奥斯卡提名影人莱丝莉·艾沃克斯获取史无前例拜候授权,带领观众走进华特迪士尼梦想工程(Walt Disney Imagineering, WDI)幕后,深进迪士尼公司不为人知的计划开发中央一探讨竟,揭开世界各地迪士尼主题乐园建立进程。
  • 白雪笼盖的郊外,憨直的普鲁托正将身段和鼻子贴在雪地上,他细心地嗅着,寻觅可能躲在雪底下的食品。正在这时,他听到一声声孔殷而稚嫩的小猫呼救声。原来在尚未封冻小河中央,一只刚降生不久的小猫被人装进布袋里,扎紧口后残忍地扔进河里,筹算将其没顶。普鲁托不明就里,将袋子捞了上来。湿淋淋的小猫并未属意到普鲁托疑惑厌恶的神气,反而对…
  • Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible, Mickey is something we all share, with unique memories and feelings. Over the course of his nearly century-long history…