搜索 克里斯·贝尔

  • One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings star…
  • 将来某时,一种丑恶泼辣、恍如来自地狱的怪物残虐人世,大举残杀人类。某小镇在怪物的苛虐下好像一座死城,生计者把稳翼翼,惊慌度日。  由凯文(Ben Budd 本•巴德 饰)带领的特种小分队进驻小镇,珍爱幸存者,与怪物展开匹敌。凯文发明,被怪物咬过的人类会遭到传染,化身力大无穷的凶残异体。而怪物也在某个神秘领导者的带领下有次序地对人…