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  • 在平平地消化着日常生存的通俗青年们的身旁,忽然收到了谜一般的VR玻璃。当放上VR玻璃杯时,重大的游戏场上群集了很多玩家。头上浮现出艳丽闪烁的金色铠甲——。游戏的胜者在实际世界也有侥幸降临,玩家们沉迷于游戏
  • Debauchery. Deceit. Abuse. Addiction. Corruption. Over the course of five generations, the men in the Hammer family have more secrets and scandals than any vault can contain. Armie Hammer’s alleged crimes are only the tip of the iceberg. Through a trove of archive and interviews from survivors and family members, the d…