搜索 Nathalie

  • An installation presented on 11 screens featuring nude human figures engaged in cathartic performance.
  • By 1820, Edmund Kean is the most admired Shakespearan actor. But if his art is peerless, his free lifestyle is ill thought of, particularly by the high society. Kean has fallen passionately in love with Countess Elena de Koefeld, the wife of the ambassador of Denmark. Elena loves him too but hesitates to give up her ra…
  • Characterized by deconstructivism and philosophical references and by briefly exposing the good, bad, and ugly periods of the country's history, this post-modern film portrays the abstract need for guidance of Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • 埃米莉·当德里厄(奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou饰),一位前卫的年轻女剃头师。她独居的母亲麦蒂·当德里厄(娜塔莉·贝伊 Nathalie Baye饰)患有抑郁症。为了让母亲开心,重燃对生存的决心信念,埃米莉使出混身解数,居然给母亲写了一封激情弥漫的情书。女儿善意的假话只是想让妈妈获取侥幸,然而夹在母女间的汉子吉恩(塞米·鲍亚吉拉 Sam…
  • 着名电视节目主持人乔治(丹尼尔·奥特尤尔 Daniel Auteuil 饰)与妃耦安娜(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)、儿子皮埃尔一家三口的安静生存被乔治从家门口捡来的录像带打破,这盒录像带显示有人静静地凝视着乔治家的一举一动。很快,更多的录像带 和勒索性质的明信片寄到了乔治及家人手上。乔治对看不见的仇敌殊为紧张,开端把稳珍爱儿…
  • 影戏史上极为异类的影戏.  全片的主角竟是一头驴。透过驴的眼睛,冷冷地凝视着这个世界。驴在差他人的手中被凌虐、被发卖,最终被杀,流露出来的倒是一样的主题。
  • The film is about a young female researcher whose life is in danger when she discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while t…
  • Bob and Greta De Jaegher are happily married for 40 years. They can look back on a rich and fulfilled life. Their 2 sons Steve and Carl have a successful life as well. Steve is a talented and recognized film-director and Carl is a promising cook. Steve's wife Billie wrote a bestseller about happiness and wants to start…
  • Hulu将推出一部拳王泰森传记剧集《铁拳迈克》(Iron Mike),公布由崔凡特·罗兹(《月光男孩》)主演,饰标题人物迈克·泰森。  这部8集限制剧将“探索体育界评价最南北极分化的人物之一——前世界拳王泰森狂野、悲剧性和布满争议的人生和事业”,来自《我,花样女王》编剧Steven Rogers&导演Craig Gillespie,玛格特·罗比也担当…
  • 马蒂厄已经35岁,却从未见过本人的父亲。母亲解释启事时只推托说他是一夜情的成果。一天,他接到一个目生来电,这个德律风告知他,他的亲生父亲刚刚过世。因此马蒂厄暂别妃耦和孩子,决定飞往加拿大加进葬礼,并见见他那两个素未碰面的兄弟。在蒙特利尔,除了父亲的密友皮埃尔,没人知道他的存在与真实身份。但与此同时,马蒂厄也意想到他似乎进…