搜索 Nadav

  • 从军27年的大卫退役后回到久违的家人身旁,试图从新开端,过上布衣庶平易近的日子。他自尊能在私营部分找到一些治理类的职位,事实上却难以适应“新以色列”的措施— —一种痴迷于成功和财富的富有竞争性的文化。他时常单独在家,收看晨间电视节目或收听广播。当一位同伙发起他往一家炊事增补的发卖公司事情,他视之为跨进商业范畴和实现事业有…
  • Four friends, 11 years after a major falling out, reunite on a final mission:to find Yaeli, the former lover of one man and sister of another. Can they triumph over and find the strength required to lay past demons to rest? Set deep in the Colombian jungle this is a story of fighting for life as well as overcoming pers…