搜索 Frid

  • 代号“传话人”的前职业杀手瑞安(保罗·奥布莱恩 Paul O'Brien 饰)来到印尼的一座小镇增补物质,并有时结识了仁慈的多尼一家。他在这个家里感遭到了家庭的热和与爱。然而,当地的人口估客们的出现打破了这一切,他们在街上肆意妄为,致使多尼(阿吉·桑托萨 Aji Santosa 饰)受伤。瑞安没法收留忍这类恶劣行径,毅然与他们展开了剧烈的奋斗。…
  • 乔治娜是一位往乡村支教的教师。这里的前提艰辛,教室只是一节销毁的火车车箱。但她已近决定用她教室教导往改变孩子们的生存……
  • 1587年,一百多名英国人远渡重洋来到美洲罗阿诺克岛,预备搜刮当地土著,在此建立殖平易近地。然而他们却发明先期到来的人马全数离奇死亡。尚未收留这群男女从旅途中的疲困中解脱,可骇便随之而来,一些人开端掉踪影。  殖平易近者主座约翰?怀特(Alex McArthur 饰)行将返回英国申报这里的情况,临行前他录用女婿安德诺斯(Adrian …
  • Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls get a new football coach in former pro Lollo, they slowly start to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a football professional, finally sees her chance to succeed – but is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win…
  • 20世纪30年代末,古老的中华大地遭受日本帝国主义铁蹄的蹂躏,广宽国土之上烽火四起,生灵涂炭。位于河北冀中的柳林镇原本是一个热闹平和的地点,跟着日军小岛联队开进柳林镇,这里便为殛毙和死亡所庖代。屠户庄继宗(于震 饰)地点的农户营村惨遭血洗,除他之外全村一百多口儿全数丧命。悲愤交集的庄发誓为乡亲报仇,一个鬼子都不留。在此时代…
  • 爱莎的母性不是一种彰着的本能,而是一向处于一种延续挣扎的状况。她在很年轻的时辰就成为了母亲,这也深深地影响着她和处于芳华期女儿的关系。尽管爱莎和17岁女儿维卡住在一起,但实际上她们很少与彼此互动。爱莎把大部分精力投进到她的护士事情傍边,而维卡则时常与同伙们在溜冰公园散步。跟着维卡健康状况的敏捷恶化,两人的日常生存被打乱。…
  • A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man send…
  • Signe and Thomas are in an unhealthy, competitive relationship that takes a vicious turn when Thomas suddenly breaks through as a contemporary artist. In response, Signe makes a desperate attempt to regain her status by creating a new persona hell-bent on attracting attention and sympathy.
  • 一天早晨某村子的沟壕里出现了一具僵死的女尸。在差人的查询拜访下,死者莫娜(桑德里娜•伯奈尔 Sandrine Bonnaire 饰)的流浪岁月由此被揭开。她身背大包四处露营,与崎岖潦倒的流浪汉同居在一处屋子里,一起吸烟睡觉。一个老太婆的女仆尤兰德满心恋慕莫娜和流浪汉的安闲状况,不满男朋友保罗的简略卤莽。某夜保罗进室行窃打昏流浪汉,莫娜随…
  • Nikita, talented young dancer, enters Let's Dance competition to earn money for his brother's surgery but a brief encounter with a famous singer Liza, who hosts the competition, puts his chances of winning and even life at risk.