搜索 Coby

  • 基于Lauren Redniss所著小说《Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout》,聚焦玛丽·居里和皮埃尔·居里夫妻对科学的探索和两人之间的关系。
  • Monsters and shootouts abound in this animated western comedy following an overconfident kid, his apathetic partner, and a spider-girl with some serious boundary issues. What will m.ysgou.cc it take to save CliffSide from some rather unconventional evil in the surrounding cliffs, and will our hero ever actually learn a…
  • A shy teenager accidentally kills a mocking peer, and his mother helps him hide in a spare room in their house. Problems arise when the mother goes for an operation and dies, and the house is sold to a new family, with the teen still living inside. Written by Kyle Palkowski  Scott Jacoby, a nerdy high school youth, acc…
  • 第三季的核心重回到活泼于街头的Barksdale团伙,同时也将视角扩大到政治范畴。此外,本季傍边引进Hamsterdam这一新干线剧情,以探讨在部分人烟稀少的街区对不法毒品买卖及卖淫的「事实性」合法化会有怎么样的潜伏积极劝化。这类做法在阿姆斯特丹和其他欧洲城市取得了积极功效,削减了市内的街头犯法。这些都是对开初情节的延续。
  • 《前方警探》(Justified) 是按照埃尔莫·伦纳德 (Elmore Leonard) 2001年小说《把稳火药》(Fire in the Hole) 中联邦履行法警雷伦·吉文斯 (Raylan Givens) 这一西部牛仔式人物形象创作的美国红色罪案剧集。  在这最初一季中,雷伦是否能在调回迈阿密与家人团圆之前,亲手拿下老仇人博伊德 (Boyd),让咱们拭目以待。