搜索 Blanc

  • Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that …
  • Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as Jack Kelly, Kara Lindsay as Katherine, Ben Fankhauser as Davey and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Crutchie. They're joined by North American Tour stars Steve Blanchard as …
  • Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as "Katherine," Ben Fankhauser as "Davey" and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as "Crutchie". They're joined …
  • Facing immigration issues, a couple must confront fears of rejection or risk losing each other.
  • 如许一座小镇,很是的小。小到一个千里镜就能看到所有事情;小到邮差可以落拓的翻看每一封信,然后再把他们封好;小到人们不必要打号召,因为他们总是碰着。  镇上有一个汉子,天天早上做一样的事,换鞋,出门,事情。概况上,他的事情是工地里的焊接工,实际上,他真实的事情是做画家梦。他用便宜水彩颜料做画,在天空中大批留白。他和镇子里…
  • Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas' father Nathan lives. Among the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the loc…
  • 故事设定在二战时代的巴黎,此时巴黎已被纳粹德国占领,霍夫曼师长因为本人的犹太人身份,不可不让家人先走并将本人的珠宝店奉求给本人的部下梅西埃。可是千算万算,不值天一划,就在梅西埃与妃耦布朗什进主珠宝店没多久,霍夫曼师长再次出如今珠宝店里。由此,三小我的命运纠缠在了一起。
  • 影片聚焦污名昭著的波士整理扼杀者谋杀案:1962年到1964年,13名独身女性在公寓被攻击、性侵、勒死,警方经查询拜访锁定嫌犯Albert DeS alvo,后者认罪被判终身禁锢,今后在牢狱被人杀死。此案存在诸多疑点,真实的连环杀手和殛毙DeSalvo之人至今照旧谜。
  • 年轻空姐卡珊卓任职于廉航,每日飞往不同城市却从不参观,只想留连电音派对、沉迷酒精或在交友软体找对象。对公司来说,她是无可抉剔的员工;恪遵每条事情指南、告竣每项发卖方针、准许每次加班要求,甚至不声援同仁的工会活动。但在她耐心对待麻烦乘客,激情亲切办事倍受赞赏的完善妆收留下,却没人察觉她眼底的那抹哀痛。  双导演对空服员一…