搜索 Bitto

  • 猛虎(萨尔曼?汗 Salman Khan 饰)是印度情报局的一位优异的奸细,俊拔的事情才能让他一次次从危险的任务中死里逃生。因为印度当局思疑一位英国传授向巴基斯坦提供军事导弹的信息,猛虎前往伦敦履行任务,并且熟悉了任务方针的家庭保姆佐雅(卡特莉娜?卡芙 Katrina Kaif 饰),一个性感魅力的舞蹈学院学生。依靠明智生计的猛虎对她一见仍旧,动…
  • 乔万娜低调通俗,天天周旋于当局部分的会计事情、女儿的黉舍活动。在无趣的外表下,其实是一位履行各类国际危险任务的特务。某天高中同学聚会,发明所有同学都跟她一样,天天都有鸟事跟懊末路。这让她下定决心,接下来的任务要援助身旁所爱的人。透过夸张的伪装、履历爆笑的情况,她要扭转人生,为同伙带来公理!
  • The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting crony capitalist interests. It revisits an episode of dissent in the 90s which bro…
  • 金融风暴让银行业一蹶不振,身为某银行高管的朱利安(热拉尔?朗万 Gérard Lanvin 饰)也遭到了扳连,全年营业额狂跌15%的凶讯令他面临被解雇。可是,朱利安并没有怨天尤人,而开端揣摩跟朱颜知己爱丽娜开餐馆。因此,他来到银行决定申请贷款,然而这家让他奉献17年的银行却回尽了他的要求。末路羞成怒的朱利安决定报复,并且他选择了一样被辞退…
  • The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting crony capitalist interests. It revisits an episode of dissent in the 90s which bro…